California Reading & Literature Project (CRLP)
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The California Collaborative for Educational Excellence transforms public education, so every student is inspired and prepared to thrive as their best self in the world. We partner with local educational agencies to facilitate research and evaluation to support locally defined projects aimed at supporting student outcomes. We provide research support for local educational agencies through facilitated learning networks focused on local problems of practice.
Focused on a single resource or activity in a specific subject matter, each module includes a short 5-10 minute video, as well as accompanying materials, to support student learning in a variety of settings. Teacher-leaders from one of the nine projects will guide you through immediately usable skills, tools, and strategies they implement in their classrooms to support classroom management, instruction, and social-emotional well-being.
The 21st Century California School Leadership Academy provides high quality, equity-centered professional learning for educational leaders of schools and districts in California that receive Title II funds. Programs are no-cost to participants and include leadership coaching, as well as an emphasis on improving instruction and achievement outcomes (including through distance learning) for English Learners, students with disabilities, low income students, and other historically marginalized students.
The 21st Century California School Leadership Academy along with other ogranization is leading a $5-million state-funded Universal Transitional Kindergarten Leadership Initiative to prepare leaders to "lead for equity" in rolling out California's groundbreaking TK for all 4-year-olds. The 21CSLA’s UTK Leadership Initiative will include no-cost professional learning for leaders, featuring a “train-the-trainer” model and certification, development of learning modules with more than 60 hours of content, design and piloting of multiple professional learning opportunities, and evaluation and research to continually improve the effort.
California GEAR UP is a learning-centered federally funded program whereby the science of continuous improvement is practiced and applied to create a culture that builds, advances, and sustains systems change in education. The program goal is to develop and sustain the capacity of feeder sets of middle and high schools to prepare all students for the greatest number of postsecondary choices without the need for remediation in mathematics or English language arts.